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Vlasta Grycová - O lásce

Cimbálová muzika Vlasty Grycové and Vlasta Grycová

Indies Scope / 2014
Genres: folklor, ethno
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. € 12.03


The title of the CD is very simple – just like the singing of Vlasta Grycová. How does this legend of Moravian folklore attract her listeners?  Mainly thanks to her affectionate way of singing. It evokes the goodness we all carry within because it sounds so truthful and unglamorous. We feel it comes out of the depths of our heart.
The singer Vlasta Grycová is part of the most significant folk singers in Moravia and has had a rich career; she has not only performed with the famous Hradišťan of Jaroslav Staněk, the dulcimer band  Olšava from Uherský Brod, but she has also cooperated with the Brno Radio Orchestra of Folk Instruments which has been going on until today.  
This CD by the Vlasta Grycová Dulcimer Band is supposed to be a celebration of the singer’s anniversary and an acknowledgement for years of musical life spent together. The band was founded in 1995 as children’s band called Husličky. In 2004, the band released, together with Vlasta Grycová and the female and male choir from Strání, the CD called Pod Javorinú. Now the band has decided while celebrating this new album to acquire a new name – Vlasta Grycová Dulcimer Band. Vlasta Grycová is a true singer legend; we know her mainly as a distinctive, inimitable interpreter of ballads and love songs from the Uherský Brod, Hradiště, Kopanice and mainly Strání region.  Vlasta Grycová records are one of those most refined songs there are in folk song.
The young Vlasta Grycová Dulcimer Band from Strání is led by her daughter, the bandleader Anna Přikrylová and, if it wasn’t for the dulcimer player Jakub Popelka, it would be a purely female dulcimer band. In some tracks the band is completed with guests such as Josef Můčka (viola), Jana Vintrová (violoncello), Pavel Popelka (bagpipes), Marcela Trtková  (dulcimer) , Jiří Chovanec  (dulcimer) and Radek Mahdal (small drum).
The female choir Netáta can be heard significantly in the record; their voices are recorded in five songs.  Some of the female members also have solos, just like Vlasta Grycová. In three songs there are also male voices which belong to Pavel Popelka, Lubomír Málek and Daniel Bruštík. The album was recorded in Uherský Brod under the supervision of Tomáš Komárek.


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