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O slunovratu (CD & DVD Platinová edice)

Hradišťan and Jiří Pavlica

Indies Scope / 2008
Genres: ethno, folk, world music
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. € 16.05


O slunovratu (About the solstice) (CD & DVD, platinum edition)
The platinum edition brings a single exclusive 4-sheet pack the legendary and now also a platinum CD "O slunovratu" (About the solstice, containing such hits as the Modlitba za vodu (Prayer for water), Karneval (Carnival) etc.) and a DVD with an original record of a concert of Hradišťanu together with the dance part of the Hradišťan company, which was authored by the choreographer Ladislava Košíková. The performance, that was fine ground and ripened in tens of repeated repetitions, was recorded on July 31, 2004 in the Klub kultury in Uherské Hradiště, and is also interleaved with artistic editing and shots taken in the Archeoskanzen in Modrá. The total duration of the visual recording is almost 120 minutes. All of this for a price of a single present package.

© Indies Scope

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