obal alba



Indies Scope / 2006
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. € 10.02


Jablkoň – Oslava (Celebration)
On 28 July 2005 at the best Czech festival “Folk Holidays in Náměšť nad OSLAVOU” the band JABLKOŇ played its concert of the year not only thanks to great number of guests, but in particular thanks to different faces that the fans know under the names Little Forest Jablkoň or Big Field Jablkoň. The group that is to say can play rock, alternative music, jazz, folk or folk-rock and with the violin virtuoso Jaroslav Svěcený it performs in the spheres of experimental classical music. All these faces then phenomenally unite into one face, the characteristic features of which are in particular playfulness, innovation, kind smile and a lot of energy and musical ideas dressed in typical, jablkoň-like playful, virtuosic instrumentation. In the concert there appeared wide range of invited guests, permanent co-musicians Jaroslav Svěcený, singer-saxophonist Anička, girl choir Skřivánek from Židlochovice, trumpeter Michal Gera and tubist Filip Spálený, but surprisingly also Jiří Stivín, Zuzana Lapčíková and Petr Váša who physically recited the song “Lokomotivám se motají kola” (The Wheels of Locomotives Are Turning) with Jablkoň. The concert under the name “21 weeks till Christmas” is released on CD as well as on DVD. On this CD Jablkoň simply plays jablkoň-like music and plays it and there is no end in this playing...


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