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Indies Scope 2009

Various Artists

Indies Scope / 2009
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. € 8.00


When you order CD or DVD for more than 699,- CZK (29 Euro,- or 39,- USD) on our website you will get a free gift "Indies Scope 2009" CD which consists of the best songs published this year.

Traditional follow up of annually published compilations introduces bands and interprets publishing in Indies Scope. This year’s compilation of 2009 has again one specialty; among others contains exceptionally four songs from one album. It was very hard to choose only one song from the album Ztracený ve světě/Lost in the World - A Tribute to Oldřich Janota, because of the fact that 16 different interprets contributed their cover versions to this album. That’s why we used up the entire CD capacity (80 minutes) and filled the CD up to the very top!

The compilation could be found in series of albums labeled with a phrase, lately very appreciated by collectors, “So much for so little money”. For those who are not familiar with Indies Scope production this album is useful guide for better orientation in local scene or for a choice of the actual album.



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© Indies Scope

IČ 17591864     /     Cejl 825/20, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno