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Indies Scope / 2005
Genres: acoustic, folk
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. € 8.00


The Noi music was described as slow and perhaps even sadder version of Čp. 8 in the past or as a peculiar Czech version of songsters Nick Drake or Elliott Smith. The band members themselves have very various musical tastes, from jazz to classic to hardcore (the singer performs in emo – punk Goro at the same time, the guitar player in the folkrock band Veselá zubatá (Jolly Grim Reaper). Perhaps for the reason of so wide-ranging scale of genres Noi moves, despite the use of more or less traditional folk instrumentation, far away from the typical Czech “camp fire music” as far as the style is concerned. An important role in the band’s manner of performance play of course also texts (most of them was written by Petr Wagner) often perceived by listeners as short poems set to music. Except their own texts Noi set to music also several short poems. Text of Ivan Jirous has appeared in the album.
In the studio the band invited number of musical friends, with whom it has met during 6 years of its performance – Dan Eberle (O. Konrád and Gumbo), Klára Valentová (ex – Šarközi), Michal Stančík (Gothart), Petr Chlouba (Jablkoň) and Petr Veselý. The record was made in the Professional Sound studio in the production of Petr Čapek and Vojtěch Komárek.


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© Indies Scope

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