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Best Of... Zuby nehty (2LP)

Zuby nehty

Indies Scope / 2020
Genres: rock
LPIn Stock: 0 pcs. € 32.14


The band has existed under the name Zuby nehty since 1987; its history though started in 1980 by founding a guitar duo Plyn Pavly Fediukové (Slabá, Jonsson; guitar, bass guitar, vocals) and Hany Kubíčkové (Řepová; guitar, later drums, vocals). Crucial for the further development of the band was meeting with Marka Horáková (Míková; piano, bass guitar, vocals).

In 1983, the band was forbidden, within the campaing against “new wave with old content”, the original name, so they continued under the name Dybbuk. The following year, the group was joined by two other musicianss ‒ Kateřina Nejepsová (Jirčíková; flute, sax, vocals) and Eva Trnková (guitar, vocals). In this line-up the band played hundreds of concerts, participated in many festivals and released the first official record - EP in Panton edition Rock Debut which was accepted by critics and public with enthusiasm. In 1987 Dybbuk falls apart and Marka Míková with Pavla Slabá and Naďa Bilincová found Zuby nehty. In addition to the founding ladies trio, there are also male members, for example Tomáš Míka or Michal Lang. There is a new repertoire, Zuby nehty are not trying to follow Dybbuk.

During the recording of the “memorial” album of Dybbuk (initiated and produced by Míra Wanek from the friendly UJD) the original members of the band meet again and on a promotional tour for the album in 1991 they play songs of Zuby nehty. At that time, Alice Kalousková/Flesarová (formerly Už jsme doma, sax, vocals) joins the band. In this line-up the band released two albums (Utíkej – made into the eponymous half-hour film for CT directed by Václav Kučera – and Král vysílá své vojsko) and experiences a hectic concert season: besides numerous local performances they play in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, Slovenia, etc. In 1997 they release “children’s” album Dítkám (Marvin plays the drums) which contains both remastered songs of the Dybbuk era and brand new songs.

Two years later, the album Loď odplouvá (drums by Jana Modráčková, guitar by Jaroslav Svoboda, bass guitar by Martin Černý) is released and after its tour the band ends their activity. In 2003 a profile album Best of… & Rarity is released; it contains samples of theater music from ZN workshop and several brand new songs by Pavlína and Marka.

Since the demand for the band’s performance continues, Zuby nehty returned back to the stage around 2005. Currently, they play in clubs and at various festivals in the Czech Republic, occasionally abroad (USA, Netherlands, and Israel). The current line-up is: Marka Míková (piano, vocals), Hana Řepová (drums,vocals), Kateřina Jirčíková (flute, sax, vocals), Alice Flesarová (sax, vocals), Jan Maxa (bass guitar, vocals).


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