obal alba

Já sa koňa bojím


Indies Scope / 2004
Genres: folk, rock, world music
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. € 10.02


I fear the horse (Já sa koňa bojím)

After only a few minutes of listening, the debut album of folklore-rock band Koňaboj will assure you that folk song surely should not belong among old records or thick volumes of musty rooms, but into different data formats and players as offered by this blessed age of Man. The reason is that the songs of our ancestors are beautiful and full of wisdom. The words written by life are tailored to the needs even of the present-day people. They often sing about love (fulfilled but also miserable), about war which is, unfortunately, flourishing among people more than in historical books but also about earthly revelries, wine or distillates, according to whether they grow in an area with southern slopes or sloes.
Koňaboj chose for you Moravian and Slovak songs which you can or might have heard from your own grandfathers or grandmothers and it retailored it in the way so that you even wear jeans with them. Most of the songs in the selection is from the region most favored by the band - Horňácko (5), further from east Slovakia (3), Stráně (2) and one from Valašsko, Uherský Brod area, Podluží, Kopanice and Rusínsko.


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© Indies Scope

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