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Indies Scope 2010

Various Artists

Indies Scope / 2010
Genres: alternative, folk, gipsy, rock, world music
CDIn Stock: 5 pcs. € 8.00


"A menu for gourmets and good music lovers in 2010"

Selection of the best stuff of Indies Scope releases in 2010

Traditional follow up of the line of annually released compilations which introduce bands and interprets whose albums are released by Indies Scope. The album contains 20 songs. This year's compilation of 2010 has again little perk - it exeptionally contains 4 songs from one album. It was very hard to choose only one song from the album 3B - Bongo BonBoniéra because there are seventeen songs by seventeen different interprets. That's why we used up the entire CD and we filled it all up!

There is a lot of bang for little money. For those who are not familiar with Indies Scope production this album is a useful help for better orientation in local scene or for choosing the whole album.


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© Indies Scope

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