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Banda slovakia

Pavian Records / 2011
Genres: world music
CDIn Stock: 0 pcs. € 12.03


Banda is a world-music band from Bratislava, Slovakia founded in 2003.
The band plays traditional folk songs in contemporary arrangement. The members are renowned folk musicians with long-time experience in folk music and other genres.
The band’s music is based on genuine, authentic roots of Slovak folk music. It is then also inspired with other music genres – old music, blues, jazz, beat, as well as folk music of other countries – particularly with Balkan, Celtic, Slavic, Indian, Caribbean and Latino-American music.

Samo Smetana – violin, mandoline, banjo, vocal
Alžbeta Lukáčová – cymbalom, accordion, bass bodhran, voice
Ivan Hanula – viol, violin, mandoline, bouzouki, voice
Peter Obuch – double bass, voice
Roman Kozák – percussion, voice
As a special quest: Women Vocal Band Trnki  from  Banská Bystrica  / 1 track /

16 Tracks
Characteristics:    almost unknown folklore traditional songs from defferent regions of Slovakia played in modern acoustic arranges /  pregressive world music

Recorded:         2008 and 2009 in Studio J, Trnava
Music direction:     Banda, Milan Tököly, Samo Smetana
Sound engineer:     Milan Tököly
Mix:             Grant Milne, Milan Tököly
Mastering:        Grant Milne (Scotland)
                          Ľubor Umelec Priehradník
Photos:         Jakub Dvořák
Graphic Design:     Pergamen s.r.o.
Produced by:        Roman Kozák (RK Consulting)
                          Samo Smetana (Pro Etno)  

C  Pro Etno 2010
P  Pavian Records 2010.
Distrubution SK:  Dr.Horák s.r.o, Medená 19, 811 02 Bratislava
Distribution CZ: Indies Scope, Dolní Loučky 191, 594 55 Dolní Loučky

© Indies Scope

IČ 17591864     /     Cejl 825/20, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno