
In 2002, the Vsetín musician Jan Žamboch stormed onto music stages at gale force with the project called Žamboši, in which he sings together with his life partner Stanislava Brahová. At the same time, music critics started to be interested in the young Vsetín forester, accompanied with a reputation of a very capable guitar player. Songs of Žamboši cannot be classified as folk music; we can rather speak of jazz-folk. In the summer of the same year, Žamboši played at a number of summer festivals and a year later their performances reached quintuple. Renowned journalists wrote about the band, they shared evening performances with Radůza, Ivo Cicvárek or Pepa Streichl. Since September 2003 till December 2005, they held their own club show in Vsetín, to which they invited interesting guests not only from musical circles. The year 2004 brought brand new challenges. The number and length of interviews in media increased, printed media presented several whole-page profiles, and thus Žamboši were introduced to wider public. They captured attention right with their first album and obtained nomination for the price of the Academy of Popular Music “Anděl 2006” in folk and country category.


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