Zvíře jménem Podzim


You may remember the songwriter, Jakub König, from the Czech band, Obří broskev, which was balanced “on the edge of fame” both in Czech and Slovakia for at least half of their eighteen-years existence.  Nevertheless, if you are interested in the local alternative music scene, you definitely shouldn’t miss König’s alterego, Kittchen. As Kittchen, König recorded three albums, gained success both with music fans and critics and was awarded the local music award, Anděl, for his record Radio. And despite the fact that the masked chef is cooking happily on on bigger stages and for more and more heads, he reserves the Autumn season, like many other musicians, for another project.


The songwriter, Jakub König, has a new musical ensemble in his portfolio since Autumn: a band or, due to the growing number of members, rather an orchestra, Zvíře jménem Podzim. “I surrounded myself with people I’d come across during my travels across the country; with people I admire, with people whom I’ve always looked up to and wished to collaborate with.” The list of contributors speaks for itself; the sharp and hard drumming by Kittchen’s faithful band mate, Tomas Neuwerth, who’s also participating on the production in cooperation with the talented electro producer, Aid Kid; Marie Kieslowski added her voice and piano; Tomas Havlen, whom you might know from Pos-hudba, controls the bass and synthesizer; Terezie Kovalova clutches the cello. Zvíře has also devoured the complete duo 27, and other members of Obří broskev and some other bands. Marie Puttnerova from Jabkloň originally only came for a visit. And Dusan Neuwerth was responsible for the final mix of the pilot single, by  coincidence, at the very last minute.




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