Karel Vepřek

Karel Vepřek (* 1961, Prague) became a prominent figure on the folk scene in the second half of the 1980s. In his own distinctive texts and in poetry set to music, he touches on the most intimate themes of life and faith, but he is no stranger to irony or the exuberant merriment of "poetic hangouts". After several self-published demos, he released Nebe dokořán at Indies Records in 2001, followed by Artinodhás (2004), Želví Sny (2006) and Najdem Den (2010). His last album Blázen Jsem ve Své Vsi (2018) was devoted to the poems of Bohuslav Reynek. Between 1997 and 2003, his band Chudák paní Popelková merged with Svatopluk Karásek's group Pozdravpámbu, the joint repertoire is recorded on the album Halelujá (1999). He also performs as a member of the free ensemble Osamělí Písničkáři, in good company with Dagmar Voňková, Jan Burian, Jiří Smrž or Petr Linhart. Until 2015, he also worked as an editor of the Czech Radio, for which he prepared programs such as Hovory o Víře (i.e. Conversations of Faith), Výzvy Přítomnosti (i.e Challenges of Presence) and Prameny a Proudy (i.e. Springs and Currents).


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