Krajina Ró

Němec’s old acquaintance is the bassist from Jablkoň, Johnny Judl Jr., who in addition to The Bladderstones also plays with The Plastic People of Universe, but also Michael Nosek, who in addition to The Bladderstones is also part of the bands The Odd Gifts, Sabina Křováková, Livin Free or Mário Bihári & Bachtale Apsa. In addition to playing the drums, he also composes for his own band, Personal Highway.

On the other hand, Němec has his first common musical experience with his niece Anna Břenková, who occasionally performs with the bands Paprsky inženýra Garina, Cermaque or The Shifty Grifts and is also part of the Puppets in Hospital project.

In Krajina Ró, in addition to the impressive, colorful alto of Anna Břenková and the variously shaped baritone of Michal Němec, the distinctive tones of the electric guitar thrive.

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