Amálka K. Třebická

She was born as the eldest daughter of a cellist and a violin teacher. She left piano study at Brno Conservatoire and continued studies at the department of composition and pop-composition in Prague under the supervision of prof. Eduard Douša, Michael Kocáb and Zdenek Merta. She has written music for theater and dance performances, songs for choirs, chamber orchestras, quartets, FOK, the Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra Ostrava, etc. So far it has been released: CD Žonglování na deset (instrumental songs for a broad educational use), Nešišlej! (songs for children) and Za okny rychlíku (author chanson). She goes around the Czech Republic along with Valerie Radzová with the successful performance Nešišlej!, performs with the drummer and percussionist Vladimír Třebický. She is a lecturer of the Czech Orff Society of Further Education of Teachers and a teacher of voice and rhythmic expression, creation and improvisation for public. She is the author and performer of educational shows for pre-school children and teaches music clubs in FOK. She privately teaches piano, improvisation and composition. A mother of many children.


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