obal alba

Touha City


Indies Scope / 2006
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. $ 8.29


Disneyband: Touha City (Desire City)
New CD of duo from Liberec Disneyband "Touha City", continues by the strength of deposition and partiality of the expression the three-year old album "Opilí potměchutí" (Drunk by Bittersweet). Interesting texts of the author, guitar player and singer Martin Kadlec, as if matured even more. The voice of the signer Věrka Soukupová is scented by eroticism and it gets a bit more space.
The new album is very varied as for genres. We can find here fourteen songs from silent chansons, through folkrock, pop, Latin to funky and rock. If there was not one song by Pavel Havlík, Martin Kadlec could be referred to as the exclusive author of music and texts. More sophisticated arrangements support maximally the character of songs. The sound of "Touha City" is more orotund, colorful and as a whole it sounds more balanced and airy.


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