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Indies Scope / 2007
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. $ 12.46


We released it on autumn 2007 and We wrote: A long-expected debut of Unity band which combines live instruments, acoustic banjo and electronics in a very unique way; their style shifts between breakbeat, hip hop, rock and perhaps also country. Unity have been on the stage for about six years, their music draws upon many genres the closest of which is probably breakbeat, hiphop and country. Its genre span is really colourful and you perhaps would hardly find another identically sounding band in the Czech music waters.

Unity band has been on the Czech music stage since 2000; the foundations were laid even one year earlier in the band called One Way. Since their first concerts, they have attracted the attention of the audience as well as critics. That's why it is surprising that Unity have finished their first big album only now. “Well, that's true, it dragged on too long and we feel that it should have come a bit sooner. But anyway, such sad things happened last October so that we had to suspend our activities for more than half a year.” The death of the guitar player Pája Dvořák (the album is dedicated particularly to him) has postponed the completion and release of the album by one year. "Thank God we go on, and I have a very good feeling as concerns the atmosphere inside the band, I strongly believe that Unity have won their battle with bad luck for good :-)”.

The album's sound is compact and outstanding. The band has invited several professionals to the recording, with sound magician Štěpán Tůma also known as Stephunk T. in the lead, known from Stephunk T, Liquid Harmony, Colorfactory and Sebastiens bands. The album, which continues to be the selection of the best pieces written by Unity so far and which the audience has a chance to hear in the current band's concert repertoire, has been liven up by other guests as well.


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© Indies Scope

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