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Ej, ženy, ženy, poradteže mi

Musica Folklorica

Indies Scope / 2013
Genres: ethno, folklor
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. $ 10.38


Musica Folklorica has prepared a new recording called Ej, ženy, ženy, poradteže mi. As the title suggests, the dominant element here are women. The songs on the album Ej, ženy, ženy, poradteže mi relate to key moments in woman’s life in the Moravian-Slovakian borderland. The melodies from both sides of the border, mostly from Horňácko and Kopanice, embellished by musically well-done arrangement by Petr Pavlinec and Miroslav Kolacia, musically precise performance by Musica Folklorica and a sensitive, emotive performance of the singer, bring not only a unique musical experience, but also an original insight into woman’s soul. The female element is accentuated in some songs by the contrast of a solo performance and choir singing performed by the guest women’s choirs Lipina and Oskoruša.
The dominance of the female element on the recording is not suggested only by the topic but also Veronika Malatincová, born Ulmanová (1982) who is one of the most prominent representatives of current young generation of folk singers. She started her singing career in folk ensembles Štěpnička and Radošov, later she cooperated with several Moravian dulcimer bands, occasionally she performs with BROLN and SĽUK ensembles. In 2002 she won the prestigious Foskar Award in the category Female solo singer. The upcoming compact disc is her debut recital; Veronika Malatincová, a teacher at the High School of Industrial Arts in Hodonín and a painter, is also the author of the drawings which appear in the booklet of her profile album.
Musica Folklorica is one of the few bands that have recently managed to attract a wide range of listeners not only with their musical art and original interpretations, but also with topics they refer to on their CDs. From the cooperation with Indies Scope came out the Christmas album called Počúvajte, co vám povím, the recital of  Luboš Holý Rabudeň, rabudeň and the playfully suggestive CD called Spal bych, spal bych, žena mi nedá… The broad scope of this musical group is obvious from their successful cooperation with Tomáš Kočko and his orchestra for the project Cestou na jih, awarded by the Anděl Award in 2012 in the category World Music. Of the older events it is worth mentioning the award Břitva 2009 for their single Chiasmatic-Temptament realized in cooperation with the folk-metal band Paladran.


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