obal alba



Indies Scope / 2006
Genres: folk, world music, rock
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. $ 12.46


Koňaboj – Omalovánky (Coloring Book)
The second album, titled Omalovánky (Coloring Book), of the Vyškov band Koňaboj that two years ago quickly came to the forefront of our “world music” consists of fourteen folk songs from different regions, among which dominates east Slovakia, Dolňácko and Luhačovické Zálesí. Other songs are from the Moravian region and one is also Ruthenian folk song. And why folk songs will remind us the singer Jiřina Šánová. “Nowadays a lot of classical folklore music tries to get through to listeners with folk songs in as understandable and little forced manner as possible. Majority of in particular young people cannot find their way to the folk music and this is the way how to bring them to it. I think that Koňaboj makes its arrangements sensitively and with respect to folklore and to people that created it.” Koňaboj is an enthusiastic group of young musicians with experience from different musical genres. The guitar player David Řehák with metal past and two people that are close to folklore – the singer Jiřka Šánová and contrabassist Tomáš Béza dominate the formation. Other members are the rock bass guitar player Martin Straka and drummer Karel Dufek who went through many rock bands. The newest member of the band is the violinist Milan Šána who went over to Koňaboj from the gypsy group Terne čhave. Therefore they all look at the folk song from a different point of view and the band calls its style folklore-rock, when the melody of a folk song is put on the rock base and instead of typical violin solos there comes a big beat guitar, but in spite of all this it is still mainly folk music. Their folk songs’ arrangements are sensitive, yet modern, so the lovers of folklore, folk and maybe also rock and pop will find something for them on the album Omalovánky (Coloring Book).


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