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Vladimír Václavek

Indies Scope / 2005
Genres: acoustic, alternative, folk, world music
CDIn Stock: 3 pcs. $ 12.46


Václavek Vladimír: Ingwe

Guitar player, vocalist and composer Vladimír Václavek from Brno is familiar not only to rock audience (Dunaj and E), but also among folk fans (Iva Bittová and Čikori), and his compositions are frequently played in tearooms and cafés (Rale and VRM). V. Václavek can indeed embroider his guitar ornaments for a broad audience. The music in the Ingwe record is inspired by mythology stories of North American indigenous people, the Inuit people and the old China (Ingwe is “Blue Hawk” in the Xhosa language of the Kalahari desert). Together with other excellent musicians, V. Václavek composes and plays a free music inherently unchained by any patterns, giving rise to a new music shape. Meditatively tuned surfaces of musical minimalism are characterized by a frequently repeated simple motif that creates a solid sound arch of moods, tied to no time and space. Václavek often unexcitedly declaims or whispers texts of his favorite authors; the melodic motifs of the vocals are built on a few tunes, and yet tension arises in the space delimited by vocals, music, and text. In arrangements that are highly inventive, sober and yet impressive, room was given to the par excellence musicians who participated in Václavek’s record “Písně nepísně”. We have the first opportunity to acknowledge the engagement of the Chinese vocalist Feng Yün Sung.


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