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Indies Scope / 2005
Genres: acoustic, world music, gipsy, ethno, vocals
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. $ 12.46


Triny is a vocal trio formed by Iveta Kováčová, Jana Procházková and Dagmar Podkonická. All three of them are excellent singers and the story of their trio is lovely and simple:
"Once upon a time, eight years ago, there were three girls. They met by a chance and once, talking girlish things, they also sang together one Romany melody. Immediately they noticed that their voices fit magically together and so they met and sang together more and attracted more and more people …. also excellent musicians among others. Only a chance, good luck and friendship have driven them to music. And music – like a faithful friend - returns them to life”. The first public presentation of Triny was in May 2000 and soon afterwards they recorded their debut album. The second album of the girls’ vocal bands is based again on the Romany folk song prepared for trio in accompanishment of excellent musicians. Joy and spontaneous singing radiates from each song, interesting arranges of vocal lines take turn with imaginative arranges of instruments and on the whole it makes a very impressive and pleasant album.


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© Indies Scope

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