“Make time for life!” is the main motto of Midi Lidi on their fourth album Give Masterpiece A Chance!, which the band describes as an optimistic Summer record. The key statements are in the lyrics from „zruš ten deadline!“ (i.e. cancel the deadline!), „kámoše prozvoň!“ (i.e. give your mate a ring-on) and „pojď ven!” (i.e. come out!). In comparison to previous albums, this is the most positive album of their discography and makes use of many more live instruments. You’ll hear not only their classic synthpop or electro-disco but also several songs influenced by kraturock in a drums-bass-guitar-moog combo, existential bathing make-out music or strange bigbeat. Have you seen their video for the song Lux? Whereas Midi Lidi were laughing at simple technocratic solutions on their first album, Čekání na robota (i.e. waiting for robot) ten years ago, they came out with a hoover in their pilot music video. And they tell us a story with a happy ending: how a man starts to really live.