obal alba

Zvěřinec 2

Yellow Sisters and Zvěřinec

Indies Scope / 2017
Genres: children´s
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. $ 12.46


Songs for children have never been more fun. The ​Yellow Sisters​, a female ​a capella four-piece, have recorded another children’s album, ​Zvěřinec 2 ​(i.e. Menagerie), which has been eagerly awaited by listeners both big and small. 


For years, the motto of the ​Yellow Sisters​ has been: 4 women, 4 hearts and 4 approaches to rhythm, melody and harmony in the creation of music with voices. The ​Sisters​ have expanded and were joined by children (both their own and borrowed), who are guests on several songs on the album. A regular guest of the ​Yellow Sisters, ​beatboxer Jan Melichar, also enriched the record rhythmically. The record has got a fresh feel, and the vocals intertwine beautifully and creatively. Listener’s will appreciate the number of percussion instruments that have expanded the spectrum of the female vocals. 


The​ Yellow Sisters​ love music and children; they’ve got quite a few of them. Nine all together. So after five years, they decided to do a follow up to their popular children’s record, Zvěřinac. ​A little mole, hairless dogs, a crocodile, a squirrel, a swallow, ants…. These were the animals from Yellow Sisters’ album: Zvěřinec (1). On the follow up record, ​Zvěřinec 2​, you can look forward to ​a marten in the roof, dwarfs, a plush elephant, a gnome Mášrádmáka, herbs from mum, boatmen, chocolate, a steamboat trip and other adventures.


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