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Dún an Doras

Indies Scope / 2005
CDIn Stock: 0 pcs. $ 10.38


Rua means "Red" in Irish, but also "ferocious", and the latest project of Dún an Doras is exactly like that.
Ever since founded, Dún an Doras has been popular among Irish music lovers attracted by a huge energy and instrumental skills accompanied by a raw, spontaneous style. Initially Irish instrumental tunes in the traditional style prevailed in the band’s repertoire, but gradually the music gathered some original influences that, along with the unmistakable vocals of Katka García, draw a clear distinction and let the band loom above other formations playing Celtic and Irish music.
The latest record, already the third released by Dún an Doras, ranges among the top achievements in contemporary Celtic music. It contains eight vocals and five instrumental tunes. The voice of Káťa García dominates the songs, while the instrumentals are inventively composed dance tunes. The tunes are based on the rhythmical, even jazz-like guitar played by Petr Košumberský, supported by the double-bass of Filip Klinecký. The flute played by Radvan Markus and the violin of Dan Malczyk flow through the melodies in modern arrangements. Jakub Severin playing tabla and djembé gives a final touch to the characteristic, untraditional sound of the band. Excellent guests add to the basic assembly: Luboš Malina – five string banjo, Marek Poledna – diatonic harmonica, Kristina Volná – bodhran. The records include quiet ballads full of feeling as well as passionate reels and jigs pulsing with rhythm.


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