obal alba

Láska a vojna


Indies Scope / 2003
Genres: folklor
CDIn Stock: 0 pcs. $ 8.29


Folk songs and dance chorus RADOŠOV originated in 1970 in Veselí nad Moravou and in its long history many enthusiastic musicians, dancers, choreographs, and the first violinist came on in place of others. Recently time the basis of the chorus consists of 20 members. Chorus chiefs are Pavel Bártek (dance component) and Ing. Petr Světlík (organization component) and the first violinist of cembalo music is Radim Havlíček. It is him who prepared this beautiful thematic album from love and recruits’ happy songs that arise from subconscious about richness and beauty of preserved song material and folk music tradition of the region of Moravské Slovácko. The music under the first violinist Radim Havlíček leadership is very popular thanks to its temperament, dynamic and exact play and virtuosity of its the first violinist, they performed on many festivals and won all different prices. The band also recorded for Bavarian radio and has concerts in Germany a Switzerland.


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© Indies Scope

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