obal alba



Indies Scope / 2003
Genres: alternative, ethno, jazz, vocals, world music
CDIn Stock: >5 pcs. $ 10.38


Maraca group from the town of Zlín, penetrating the waters of jazzy ethno / world music, set the most famous modern Portuguese author Fernando Pessoa into music in its already third album. It is not necessary to list the geographic places that influenced them musically because despite the record includes sounds of for us still exotic instruments such as the Arabic lute, oud or Australian brass didgeridoo, it comprises also the guitar, bass, percussion and violin. The members of the band and the guests created a world of their own where even samples have their place but primarily string, brass and percussion sounds. In case you are interested in a true originality, imaginative world beyond styles and cultures, unique minimalisms of means of expression with the maximum of effect, then this very album is meant for you. A delicacy for non-orthodox “gourmets” in a highly original style!


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© Indies Scope

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