
Janka Sendrei´s band Kokavare lavutára is a Roma folk band, which has performed since its creation in 1997 at several different occasions allover Slovakia and abroad (for example in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Norway, England, Holland, Italy and so on). The band released two records with different music styles , which aim is to preserve Roma music for a large public. Kokavakere lavutara is part of the well-known Roma ensemble Romani Luludi and received several awards for preserving and spreading Roma culture and traditions.
Kokavakere lavutara is one of the last gypsy band in Slovakia to play traditional Roma music as they learned from generation to generation, touching every audience with the musicians´ spontaneity, and having stand up and dance the most conservative ones.
The members of the band are apart of playing music actively involved in their cultural and educationnal NGO Lacho drom which organises, among other projects in the Roma culture field, the festival Balvafest which is regularly attended by music bands from Czech and Slovak republic.


Janka Sendrei is a gifted soprano with an angelic voice. Born in Eastern Slovakia, music has been her passion since childhood. but started her professional career as a soloist in 1997. She has cooperated with numerous musicians throuhout with her band, Kokavakere Lavutára, having appeared at such prestigious festivals as the International Roma Festival in Poland (2002, 2004), World Roma festival Khamoro ( Prague, Czech Republic, 2001, 2004), International Gipsy Festival Tilburg ( The Netherlands, 2005 ), Sziget Festival ( Budapest, Hungary 2005), Pohoda Festival (Slovakia, 2005) and Roam festival Iagory (Oslo, Norway, 2005). Ms. Sendrei has received nemerous awards and countless letters of gratitude for her ongoing activities to preserve and promote Roma art as a vivid part of European culture.


Her musical and personal credo is: "It is importent to preserve the beautiful Roma music, traditional heritage and culture for, the future generations, they deserve it!"


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