
The band Bezobratři was founded in fall of 2005 by three enthusiasts of folk wind instruments: Pavel Císarík, Marek Gonda and Jan Glembek. The original objective of the trio was to get together and share the joy of playing together, because the character of these instruments couldn’t exactly offer this, all the instruments were expressions of pastoral solitude. That was when the name of the band appeared - Bezobratři use flutes, overtone flutes and shepherd’s pipes and they are made of elderberry (“bez” in Czech means “elderberry”).

The first gig of Bezobratři was conceived as a presentation and demonstration of various folk musical instruments, both solo and collectively.
A breakthrough came when they longed for a richer, more spontaneous music and started to accept new players with new instruments to their core group.

Eventually, the group settled on six members:
Pavel Císarík – vocals, flute, shepherd’s pipe, overtone flutes, drums and percussion
Klára Císaríková – vocals, violin
Jan Běťák – vocals, violin, viola
Tomáš Byrtus – bodhran, davul, drums and perc.
Jaroslav Mareček – doublebass
Petr Šebela – vocals, accordion

In this formation they recorded and released their first album called BezCeler in spring of 2007. 
    In the period of 2008–2009 Bezobratři went through many internal changes, particularly in the approach to folk song which for them has always been and still is a major inspirational source of music production. Step by step they have been diverting from the genre of pure classic folklore (more precisely “folklorism”) and they started to treat the songs in more author way. This approach became even more visible with the arrival of a strong personality, the violinist Jan Běťák who became strongly involved in Bezobratři’s work. 
    In March and December of 2009 the band recorded their second album Bezobav, released in spring 2010.


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